Sorting to be required at recycling convenience station

If you are dropping off your recyclables in rural Bartholomew County, you will soon need to plan to sort them out by type.

According to the Bartholomew County Solid Waste Management District, the rules will be changing starting Saturday at the Petersville Convenience Station. The decision to make you separate your recyclables is meant to reduce costs. County staff will still be processing the material and sending off the recyclables to complete the recycling.

You will be able to follow signs to sort your materials into groups. Groups include paper, plastic bottles and jugs, glass and metals such as steel cans or aluminum. Cardboard will continue to be collected and sorted as usual.

You should make sure all items are clean, loose and dry.

The county’s convenience stations are open in Petersville, on rural 25th Street and in Harrison Township from 8 to 3 on Saturdays.

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