First State of the City for Ferdon set for Wednesday

New Columbus Mayor Mary Ferdon will be holding her first State of the City address next week.

According to the mayor’s office the event will be taking place Wednesday at Nexus Park, the former Fair Oaks Mall on 25th Street. The doors will open at 5:30 p.m. and the mayor’s remarks will be at 6 p.m.

The speech will be followed by a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Circle K Fieldhouse at Nexus Park.

A quorum of City Council members, along with members of other boards and commissions are expected to attend but the council will not be in session and no council business will be conducted.

The event is free and you are invited to attend. You should park in the southeastern lot off of 25th Street near Dunham’s Sports and signs will direct you to the location inside the former mall.