Dementia Friendly event to be held Saturday at Yes Cinema

Dementia Friendly Bartholomew County will be holding a kickoff event for its initiative tomorrow morning at Yes Cinema in downtown Columbus.

Columbus and Bartholomew County were recently recognized as a dementia-friendly community. The partnership through Thrive Alliance works toward making the community more accessible, accepting and livable with residents with all forms of dementia.

Saturday has been proclaimed as Dementia Friendly Awareness Day by the Bartholomew County Commissioners and the Columbus mayor.

Saturday’s event will include a panel discussion, question-and-answer session, and a walk-through brain simulation presented by the IU Health Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center.

The event is from 10 to 11:30 tomorrow at Yes Cinema on Jackson Street. It is free and you are invited to attend but you can find a link to register on our website. dementia.