Crump Theatre reopens with new permit

The aging Crump Theatre in downtown Columbus has a new message for the community: It is open for business.

According to the theatre marquee, as of Thursday, the Crump has been found to be structurally sound and now has an entertainment permit. The aging theater has been closed because it didn’t meet current fire, building and safety standards.

The marquee also now says “We Did It!” in red letters. Organizers are thanking the community volunteers who did the work and the donors and businesses that helped make it happen.

The building is owned by the Columbus Capital Foundation, a not-for-profit organization set up to hold buildings that might have future use for the community.

The theater still has repairs to make and you can still make donations either by dropping them off in the mail slot at the theater, mailing them or by using payment apps such as Paypal and Venmo.

You can get more information on the development on the Save the Crump Theatre Facebook page.