Columbus firefighters offer fireworks safety tips

Columbus firefighters are reminding you to be safe if you are planning to use fireworks this holiday weekend.

Capt. Mike Wilson, spokesman for the fire department, explains that all fireworks can be dangerous if used incorrectly.

About 11,500 fireworks related injuries were reported nationwide last year. And about half of those happened to children.

Wilson says you should never smoke or consume alcohol while setting off fireworks. You should not attempt to make or alter fireworks. While setting off fireworks, you should have a fire extinguisher, hose or bucket of water nearby.

If a lit firework did not go off, you should let it sit for 20 minutes before trying to move it. And then soak it in a bucket of water.


Under city ordinances, between now and Sunday, fireworks are allowed in the city between 5 p.m. in the afternoon and up to 2 hours past sunset. On July 4th itself, fireworks are allowed from 10 a.m. to midnight. The hours go back to 5 p.m. through two hours past sunset on July 5th through the 9th.