U.S. 50 yard sales underway through Sunday

This is the weekend for the Great U.S. 50 yard sale, the 24th annual event which encourages sales across the country on the highway, stretching from Maryland to California.

The sales will be taking place through Sunday.

All of the sales are individually organized. If you are planning a sale, authorities remind you not to set up in the state right of way and don’t set up on private property without permission. Sites should allow for off-road parking. You should also make sure you follow all local laws.

Authorities are asking you to be careful if you are running a sale or just visiting them. Drivers should keep their speeds down and be alert to hazards, such as pedestrians crossing the highway or walking along the route. If you are searching for a sale, you should make sure not to stop suddenly and to keep a safe distance from vehicles ahead of you, as they may suddenly stop. And make sure you park in a safe spot, if you do find a sale you want to visit.

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