Tornado economic damage loans to be explained in Friday webinar

The Small Business Administration and the Indiana Small Business Development Center Southeast office in Columbus will be offering a free webinar on Friday to help those who suffered economic damages from the late March tornadoes.

The webinar will provide information on applying for the SBA’s working capital disaster loans, also known as Economic Injury Disaster Loans. Businesses and private non-profits in the declared disaster counties are eligible for the loans which can be used to pay normal operating expenses like rent, utilities, wages, and other financial obligations.

The deadline to apply for the loans is January 15th.

The loans are mean to help organizations that suffered economic damages from the severe storms on March 31st and April 1st.

Businesses in several area counties are eligible for the disaster assistance including those in  Bartholomew, Brown, Jackson, Johnson and Shelby counties.

The webinar will be at 11 a.m. Friday morning. You need to register in advance here:

You can apply for the working capital loans under SBA declaration # 17882

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