Talk next week to look at architecture of W.D. Richards Elementary

An event next week will look back at the architectural design history of Bartholomew County schools focusing on W.D. Richards Elementary.

According to the Landmark Columbus Foundation, writer Glenda Winders has been working on a research project on the Cummins architectural program and its effect on community schools. The program funds the design of public buildings, if the architect is chosen from a list of renowned designers.

Since the 1950s, almost all community schools have been designed by the world-class architects, according to the foundation.

The Columbus Area Visitors Center is hosting the progressive preservation talk with Winders and her research on Richards Elementary at 6:30 p.m. the evening of Thursday January 30th.

The school was designed by Edward Larrabee Barnes and completed in 1965.

There will be a reception with light refreshments ahead of the talk and time for questions afterwards. The event is free and you can sign up here:

Photo courtesy of Columbus Area Visitors Center. You can learn more about the architecture of Bartholomew County schools here: