Struggle to find new vehicles continues for county government

Bartholomew County continues to have trouble buying vehicles for the county government.

Yesterday Bartholomew County Commissioners approved the purchase of a used van for the county animal control department, despite the county already having an order in for a brand new van.

Commissioner Carl Lienhoop explained that the department has one van that has been out of service with transmission problems for several months, but parts are not available to repair it. A second van was also out with mechanical problems recently but is now back on the road. Lienhoop said that the county paid to purchase a new van from a local dealer last year, but the new van won’t start being built until at least next month.

Earlier this year the county detailed problems getting patrol vehicles for deputies, despite having the money in hand for new vehicle purchases.

To keep the animal control department operating, Lienhoop said the county found a used 2022 cargo van with 21 thousand miles for sale that was already fitted for use by animal control at Country Chevrolet in North Vernon.

Commissioners approved the $36,500 purchase to be made from COVID relief funds.