Schneck recognized for infants and mothers health efforts

Schneck Medical Center is being recognized by the Indiana Hospital Association and the State Health Commissioner for the Seymour hospital’s commitment to infant and maternal health.

According to the hospital, it received the recognition as part of the fifth annual INspire Hospital of Distinction recognition program. INspire was created to recognize hospitals for excellence in addressing key drivers of infant and maternal health. The program is funded by a Indiana Department of Health grant,

The Hospital of Distinction recognition is based on criteria including promotion of awareness of infant safe sleep, breastfeeding, perinatal substance use, social drivers of health, obstetric hemorrhage, and maternal hypertension.

Dr. Eric Fish, president and CEO of Schneck, said the recognition is due to the team’s commitment to “improve maternal and infant health outcomes in our communities.”

According to the state board of health, for the first time in the program’s history, 100 percent of Indiana’s birthing facilities earned one of two INspire recognitions.