Report: Father sentenced in 2-year-old daughter’s Thanksgiving death

A Bartholomew County man has been sentenced to 40 years in prison for the death of his 2-year-old daughter, according to newspaper reports.
The Republic newspaper is reporting today that 41-year-old Jeremy Sweet has been sentenced to 30 years after he pled guilty to neglect of a dependent resulting in death. Judge Jim Worton gave Sweet another 10 years added on for Sweet being a habitual offender.
The girl, Emma Sweet, died over Thanksgiving weekend of 2021 after her father drove off an embankment and into East Fork White River on Thanksgiving Day. Duck hunters found him in the submerged truck the Friday after Thanksgiving and her body was found in the river. An autopsy revealed she died from hypothermia and asphyxia due to drowning.
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Photo of Emma Sweet courtesy of Bartholomew County Sheriff’s Department