Pollinator event set for Saturday at Muscatatuck refuge

Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge will be hosting an event celebrating pollinators on Saturday at the refuge east of Seymour on U.S. 50.

Organizers say that there will be pollinator themed activities for children, face painting, pollinator programs along with information about gardening and on conserving pollinators. Free starts of pollinator plants will also be given away.

The event is from 10 to 2. There will be a butterfly Identification stroll around the Visitors Center at 11 am and a program on creating pollinator habitats at the center starting at 12:30 p.m.

The event is free and you are invited to attend. For more information you can call 812-522-4352 x 12.

Photo courtesy of Donna Staley with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

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