Police stepping up enforcement for Drive Sober campaign

Local and state police departments are going to be cracking down on those driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, with a “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign going on through Labor Day weekend.

According to the North Vernon Police Department, agencies are taking part in the campaign which will include overtime patrols targeting those driving under the influence.

The extra high-visibility enforcement is funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration through grants administered by the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute.

Alcohol-impaired driving continues to contribute to many deaths in Indiana. According to the institute, in 2023, around 20% of all traffic fatalities in Indiana involved alcohol impairment. Drug-impaired driving is another major contributor to deadly crashes. Last year, nearly a quarter of all traffic fatalities involved drug impairment.

With officers showing zero tolerance throughout the campaign, police recommend celebrating the end of summer responsibly by having a safety plan in place. Never drive impaired or let friends get behind the wheel if they’ve been drinking. Even if you only have one drink, designate a sober driver or use public transportation or a ride service to get home safely.