Poetry reading, spoken word event Thursday at Hotel Indigo

The Columbus Area Arts Council is organizing a poetry and prose event on Thursday at Hotel Indigo featuring readings by a Columbus North High School student who won the statewide Poetry Out Loud competition, along with audience readings.

Local poet Skye Nicholson is hosting the “Open Mic Poetry and Prose” event. North High school junior Sreepadaarchana Munjuluri will be the featured poet, reading her work, followed by an open mic session. The event is meant to allow poets and spoken word artists of all levels to share their work with a live audience. Sign-ups to present your work will begin at 5:00 pm and will be on a first-come basis.

In celebration of National Poetry Month, attendees are encouraged to bring their poetry on a topic of their choice to share. Participants are asked to keep the language at a PG-13 level.

Local musician Cheryl Liz will play acoustic music throughout the evening

The event is recommended for those 14 or older. It will be from 5 to 7 p.m. in the evening at Hotel Indigo. It is free and you are invited to attend.

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