Planning department receives statewide recognition

The Columbus and Bartholomew County planning departments are being recognized with statewide awards for two projects.

According to Jeff Bergman, planning director for the city and county, the joint department received recognition from the Indiana Chapter of the American Planning Association recently for the community’s approach to finding new uses for underdeveloped properties and for its bicycle and pedestrian planning.

The infill development approach received the Outstanding Implementation award, while the bike and pedestrian plan was recognized for Outstanding Transportation Planning at the association’s Spring Professional Development Conference held earlier this month.

The department maintains a listing of Infill Site Profiles, providing planning, zoning, and real estate information for vacant and underused properties. Since developing the profiles, 15 of the original 34 sites have been fully or partially developed.

The Columbus Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan was adopted by the Columbus City Council in 2022 and outlines a vision for improving transportation options through bicycle facilities and sidewalk improvements.

The joint city and county planning department oversees community and transportation planning, floodplain management, and the review of new developments for zoning regulations.

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Staff photo courtesy of Columbus and Bartholomew County Planning Department.