Officers say woman tried to grab deputy’s gun after traffic stop

A scuffle with a missing Columbus woman ended up in a scramble for a deputy’s gun.
The Bartholomew County Sheriff’s Department released information today about an event that unfolded last week. According to the department, a deputy was on State Street at about 2:52 p.m. on Friday when he noticed an SUV driving at more than 80 mph, swerving and recklessly passing other vehicles. The deputy turned on his emergency lights and began to catch up to the vehicle, when the driver pulled into Columbus East High School.
She then jumped out of the vehicle and ran to the school, trying to open various doors, which were all locked. She continued to ignore police commands and an officer from the Columbus Police Department and the deputy grabbed onto the woman and they all three fell to the ground. According to the deputy, the woman then began pulling on his gun. Police were able to secure her arms and she was taken into custody.
The woman, identified as Samaya Ivory, had been reported to Columbus police as a missing person. She was taken to Columbus Regional Hospital where she is accused of kicking another deputy in the chest. After being cleared by the hospital, she was then arrested on charges including Reckless Driving, Battery on a law enforcement officer, Resisting Law Enforcement with Injury and Attempting to Disarm a Law Enforcement Officer.
The deputy involved in the fight scraped up his knees and elbows during the scuffle.