Local leader chosen for Chicago Federal Reserve role

A local economic development official will be serving on a council for the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
The fed has announced that Jason Hester, head of the Greater Columbus Economic Development Corp. will serve as an appointed member of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago’s Advisory Council on Small Business, Community and Economic Development, Agriculture and Labor.
The agency says council members provide their views on current economic conditions to senior Bank officials. Input on regional economic conditions helps contribute to national monetary policy decisions.
Advisory Council members meet twice a year and are from throughout the Seventh Federal Reserve District. That district includes parts of Indiana, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. They serve two year terms.
Hester said he has been asked to serve on the sub-council for Small Business, Agriculture and Labor. He said the group’s discussions lets him learn more about what’s happening elsewhere in the district.
You can get more information at ChicagoFed.org.