Large donations lift Landmark Columbus closer to goals

Several large donations have put the Landmark Columbus Foundation closer to its $3 million dollar goal for its endowment.

Richard McCoy, executive director of the foundation, explains that former Eli Lilly executive John Lechleiter and his wife Sarah have pledged half a million dollars to the endowment. That donation was announced recently and the foundation has received several other large grants.

That prompted more donations, McCoy says, including $100 thousand dollars from Mark and Wendy Elwood and nearly $50 thousand dollars from Connie and Terry Marbach. McCoy says that the endowment now stands at $1.8 million ahead of its 2025 goal of $3 million, set back in 2020.

A $3 million seed fund endowment would allow the organization to receive almost $150 thousand a year in income from investments. That would go to support the groups operations.

The endowment began with a gift from Lilly Endowment Inc. of more than half a million dollars.

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