Grant funds to help repair area residents’ homes

Several local communities are receiving federal funds to help repair residents’ homes.

According to Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch and the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs, the cities of North Vernon and Seymour are each receiving $350,000 in owner-occupied rehabilitation grants available through the Community Development Block Grant program. The grants empower communities to directly fund homeowners of low-to-moderate income to make needed repairs on their homes. Eligible repairs include roof repair or replacement, ADA accessibility, heating and cooling replacement, lighting and electrical upgrades, and water heater replacement.

The office announced more than $3.6 million in various grants to 20 Indiana communities today.

Crouch, Indiana’s secretary of agriculture and rural Development, said “Each of these grant programs will contribute to improving the lives of Hoosiers” and she said the communities “are committed to investing more into their residents and community development.”