Extras sought for film being shot in Columbus

A movie being filmed in Columbus next month is looking for extras.

The film “Ice Cream Man” is set for filming at Zaharakos from Saturday, March 11th through Friday, March 17th. The restaurant will be closed during those dates. Filmmakers are also planning to shoot in the area on March 18th and 19th..

According to the filmmakers, extras are needed for crowd scenes. They say that they mostly need adults ages 18 to 70, but children age 6 and older are also welcome, too. The greatest need for extras will be on Sunday, March 12th  and Saturday and Sunday, March 18th and  19th. They also hope to find extras who would be available on more than one day for multiple scenes.

Most scenes involving extras will require standing for periods of time.

The filmmakers say that most scenes will be filmed in Columbus but there also could be shots in other parts of Central Indiana.

The film is based on the true story of a Jewish business owner and his treatment by the Nazis.

For more information or to sign up you can go online to https://theicecreamman.movie/extras/ .

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