Driver arrested in Seymour crash that injured three teens

A 20-year-old driver is facing charges after a March crash that injured three teenagers north of Seymour.
According to the Indiana State Police, 20-year-old Dakota S. Mott of Seymour was found to have THC in her system at the time of the March 15th crash in the 6600 block of North County Road 760E. The state police investigation revealed that she was driving at more than 95 mph on the narrow road just before the crash.
Three teens were ejected from the vehicle and seriously injured when it rolled over — Isaiah Bogard, 15; Kathryn Roy, 17; and Zackery Stout, age 18
Results of the state police investigation were turned over to the Jackson County Prosecutor’s office and Mott was recently charged with operating a vehicle while intoxicated resulting in serious bodily injury and reckless driving resulting in serious bodily injury. She was arrested and taken to the Jackson County Jail.