Driver arrested after chase onto Interstate 65

A driver is facing felony charges after fleeing from a Bartholomew County deputy onto Interstate 65 early Friday morning.
According to the Bartholomew County Sheriff’s Department, a deputy tried to pull over a vehicle for a traffic stop at the intersection of River Road and East County Road 550N at about 12:55 a.m. Friday morning. But instead of stopping the driver took off through northern Bartholomew County before fleeing up the interstate.
Franklin police and Johnson County deputies used a device to deflate the vehicle’s tires near the Franklin exit, but the driver continued northbound. That’s where a Bargersville Police officer used a maneuver to force the driver’s vehicle to spin and stop. The driver was taken into custody and identified as 34-year-old Adam Cameron of Columbus.
Police say that the driver appeared to have self-inflicted cuts on his body. He was taken to an Indianapolis hospital to be checked out before being taken to the Bartholomew County Jail. He is facing preliminary charges of resisting law enforcement with a vehicle and for being a habitual traffic violator.
Columbus, Edinburgh and Whiteland police along with Indiana State troopers also assisted in the incident.