Downtown parking changes removing many 3-hour limits
Columbus is changing up its parking restrictions downtown, hoping to make it easier for shoppers and workers.
The Board of Public Works and Safety approved a change last week, removing the 3-hour parking limits on side streets downtown. The change will start in January. Going forward, the 3-hour limit will only be enforced on Washington street between First and Eighth streets.
Columbus City Councilman Tom Dell, who heads up the city parking commission, said that the change will be made on a trial basis, as a way to help relieve parking issues downtown.
Dell said that customers primarily park on Washington Street. The change would allow workers and others to use the side streets for parking if they need parking spots for a longer time.
Dell said that statistics on the effect of the change will be analyzed after the first quarter to see if the change helps with downtown parking problems. The review will be used to decide whether to recommend permanent changes to the downtown parking ordinance.