County Council to consider tax abatement on internet project

Bartholomew County Council is being asked for a tax break tonight on a project that could bring high-speed internet to thousands of rural county residents.
County Commissioners have accepted a proposal from Meridiam Infrastructure through Hoosier Networks to begin the project. The goal is to bring high speed internet into almost 12,000 homes.
But the company wants a tax abatement on the more than $30 million dollar investment but without the tax break, the project is not affordable. County Commissioner Tony London explains:
London has headed up the project to bring high speed Internet to places where some families can’t get any Internet.
Some County Council members have been skeptical of tax abatements and London believes the project is in jeopardy. He urges anyone supporting the proposal to come to the council meeting tonight.
County Council meets at 6 p.m. tonight at the Governmental Office Building on Third Street in Columbus.