Commissioners concerned over county gas price disparities

Bartholomew County Commissioners are unhappy with the price of gasoline in the community, especially how prices differ by almost a dollar depending on where you are buying it.
At this week’s Bartholomew County Commissioners meeting, Commissioner Larry Kleinhenz used the end of the meeting to vent about high gas prices. Specifically, he said that prices in Taylorsville are nearly a dollar lower than they are at the State Road 46 exit. Kleinhenz said that commissioners have tried over the years to get to the bottom of fluctuating and unfair prices in the community, but have had little luck.
Kleinhenz maintains that the exact same companies, selling gas from the same trucks are marking up prices and gouging customers in more affluent areas of the community. Commissioners Carl Lienhoop and Tony London agreed that they also noticed the price differences. Lienhoop said he told recent visitors that their best bet was to fill up in the northern part of the county.
Kleinhenz said he wished the county could entice another fuel company to come to the west side of Columbus by offering them a tax break, contingent on lower prices for the community. He said it goes against his typical capitalistic ideals, but he feels people are being taken advantage of.