Commiskey man arrested for abandoning overdosing woman

A Commiskey man is facing charges in Jackson County, accused of dumping an overdosing woman in a Seymour park last week.
According to Seymour Police Department reports, police have been investigating the Monday night incident, where an officer on patrol came across the unconscious woman at the Freeman Field Recreation Area. The woman was revived, but didn’t know how she ended up in the park with her luggage. Video footage showed a red hatchback car in the area at the time she was dropped off.
Following several leads, police found that vehicle on County Road 650W in Jennings County. Search warrants were issued for the vehicle and for a home on that road. During the search of the home, police found more than 20 grams of fentanyl, prescription medications, drug paraphernalia and cash. Officers arrested 31-year-old W. Scott Ross of Commiskey.
Ross told investigators that the woman wanted to go to the park and while there, she went unconscious. Ross said he panicked, removed her from his vehicle and drove off, police say
Ross is facing preliminary charges of neglect of a dependent and criminal recklessness in Jackson County. He will also be facing charges in Jennings County related to the drugs found at the home.
At the Jennings County home, investigators also found 21-year-old Darrell Little of Commiskey who was carrying fentanyl, police say, and was wanted on an outstanding Jennings County warrant. He was taken into custody by Jennings County deputies.