Columbus North senior project blood drive still set for Sunday with new venue
A Columbus North senior project blood drive will still be going on, despite the closing of its original venue.
The American Red Cross is reporting critical shortages caused by numerous donation events canceled due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
As recently as last week, Savannah Norfrey was looking forward to holding her senior project blood drive, in the face of the coronavirus threat.
She said procedures are in place to protect your safety including screening donors before entering the area, and checking temperatures.
Then the original site announced earlier this week it was closing due to the coronavirus stay-at-home order. But the American Red Cross has announced that Norfrey’s event will now be held at Holiday Inn in Columbus from noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday.
There is also a blood drive from 2 to 7 p.m. Friday at the Church of Latter Day Saints on Goeller Boulevard in Columbus.
There will also be donation opportunities locally at First Christian Church in Columbus 11 to 4 on April 2nd, at Tea Creek Baptist Church in North Vernon from 2 to 7 on April 2nd, and on April 15th and April 22nd at Tipton Lakes Athletic Club from 11 to 4.
Giving blood is considered an essential service under the governor’s stay-at-home order.
You can make an appointment to donate online at red cross blood dot org or by calling 1 800 RED CROSS