Columbus City Council to consider revising street plans

Columbus City Council will be considering changes to the long-term plan of how roads and streets will develop in the community in the years ahead, when the council meets tonight.

The city is considering an update to its thoroughfare plan, which sets rules for every city street, but also anticipates improvements in the future. For example, different types of streets have different limits on how far structures must be set back from property lines, how far apart driveways must be placed and how the streets must be designed.

Among the major changes would be designating new development heading toward Interstate 65 as suburban/urban rather than rural, updating the maps to reflect the railroad overpass heading into downtown, and refining a possible future north-south road that would roughly parallel State Road 11 from Jonathan Moore Pike to County Road 200S.

The city plan commission already signed off on the changes last month and is recommending the council make the updates. The plan was last updated in 2010.

City Council meets at 6 tonight at Columbus City Hall. You can watch the meeting streaming on the city’s website at