City to consider more options for Greenbelt Golf Course

Columbus Mayor Jim Lienhoop says the city is putting the brakes on plans to get rid of Greenbelt Golf Course.

The mayor announced yesterday afternoon that the city would be adding about 60 days to the decision timeline all allow for the consideration of other options and proposals. Under the original timeline, City Council could have received a recommendation to close Greenbelt next week and the parks and recreation board would have considered that proposal in early August.

But Lienhoop said that the delay shows that there is no “done deal” to close Greenbelt.

Ultimately though, the mayor said that the public showed it was more interested in maintain the mission of Greenbelt than the financial or other factors being weighed in closing it.

The city will be seeking proposals on the operations of Greenbelt, and Lienhoop said that they would consider any serious proposals. He said there are no serious proposals on the table yet, but there have been people express serious interest in making a proposal.

The parks department is expected to release details of its request for proposals by Friday, July 24th.