Authorities warn of drones near site of bird flu outbreaks

State and local officials are urging you to be on the alert for any drones flying near a site of a bird flu outbreak in Jackson County, but also say you shouldn’t take the law into your own hands.

Last week, the Indiana State Board of Animal Health announced an outbreak of bird flu at the Cort Acre Egg Farm in Jackson County, owned by Rose Acre Farms. As part of that outbreak, officials have set up a control area within a just over 6 mile radius around the farm, which contains parts of Jackson and Bartholomew counties.

Authorities are warning that they have seen increased drone activity at the sites of bird flu outbreaks including in Jackson County and even landed at some sites, including on contaminated barns. They say that the areas are under quarantine for health and safety reasons and that the drone landings could spread the disease.

But there have also been reports of residents firing on drones. Officials say that it is a felony to damage, destroy, disable or wreck any aircraft, including a drone. If you see a drone or a drone operator, you should contact law enforcement.