Authorities urge caution, patience as farm equipment moves for harvest

Emergency officials are warning that with harvest season getting underway you are going to see more farm equipment on area roads and highways.

Bartholomew County Sheriff’s Department points out that combines and other farming equipment travel at a slower speed than other traffic and farm equipment can fill the roadway with their width. The large equipment also reduces visibility for those who may want to try to pass the equipment.

The Indiana Department of Agriculture suggests you use caution when you find yourself sharing the road with the equipment. Make sure to slow down, stay a safe distance away and use caution when passing.

The state warns that you should not try to pass in a “No Passing Zone” or within 100 feet of any intersection, railroad grade crossing, bridge, elevated structure or tunnel. You should also be aware that large equipment might pull off on the right side of the road because they are preparing for a wide left turn.

Drivers of slow-moving equipment are required to move to the right if they are able to, but it might be a while until they find a safe place in the road.

Authorities also say that farmers should make sure that all of their equipment’s lighting is working and warning signs in place. They should also avoid moving equipment during the early morning and evening hours.

Bartholomew County Commissioner Carl Lienhoop demonstrates the size of farm equipment moving on local roads and highways. Photo courtesy of Bartholomew County Sheriff’s Department.