Choosing the Right Seed Treatment Critical to Soybean Yield Success


Getting your soybeans off to strong start is critical to a good finish. Eric Ott, Field Market Development Specialist with Valent U.S.A., says that choosing the right seed treatment can give you peace of mind.

“There are so many things that are out of our control. You know, if we can focus on the things that we can control or manage, like our pest management strategy, starting off with a season long view, and focus right at the beginning with one of your bigger investments of protecting that seed from some of the below ground pests, as well as some of the early season above ground pests, whether that’s insects or diseases, that’s very important to get your crop going early.”

That’s why Ott recommends INTEGO® SUITE Soybeans, an all-in-one insecticide + fungicide premix that contains the latest soybean fungicide seed treatment, from Valent U.S.A.

“It provides protection above ground and below ground of those insect pests, as well as pythium and Phytophthora diseases and fusarium as well as rhizoctonia. One thing that I think gets lost sometimes, and we don’t always see the symptoms of them, are plant parasitic nematodes such as soybean cyst nematode. And according to plant pathologists and nematologists that study the agronomic effects of soybean cyst nematode, that’s one of the biggest pests that can reduce yield. And we have Aveo® EZ for that protection as well.”

And it’ll help fight off pests like bean leaf beetles and seedcorn maggots. Learn more by visiting
