Bacon Brings Legislators, Farmers Together to Discuss Biofuels, Property Taxes, More at Statehouse


Indiana Corn Growers Association President Chris Cherry (center) discusses legislation with lawmakers at the annual Bacon Bar & Brunch at the Statehouse. Photo: Amie Simpson/ Indiana Soybean Alliance

The smell of bacon wafting through the hallowed halls of the Indiana Statehouse led legislators to where farmers were waiting to speak to them about ag policy priorities for corn and soybean growers at the annual Bacon Bar & Brunch event Wednesday morning, presented by the Indiana Corn Growers Association and Indiana Soybean Alliance.

“I think bacon puts everybody in a good mood,” says ICGA President and Hancock County farmer Chris Cherry. The event was very well attended.

“Shoulder to shoulder, all the senators and representatives that are out here, their aides, it’s a great morning to be out here. I had my local representative, Ethan Lawson, here. He’s new out here, this is first year, but he said he can already tell that this is probably the favorite event, because the turnout for this one surpasses any other one that they’ve had out here so far. And when I’m talking to these guys, it’s certainly a highlight for them.”

A major talking point at the brunch was Senate Bill 254, a bill providing tax credits to fuel retailers for the sale of higher ethanol blends and the sale of blended biodiesel or renewable biodiesel. It passed the Senate and moved over to the House.

Cherry is excited to see the bill move because it’s all about moving the pile for corn growers.

“You can eat it, you can feed it, or you can burn it. But the biggest way for us to move that pile quicker in the near term is to burn it. And this biofuels tax incentive, it’ll save consumers almost $12 million in fuel costs annually.”

And it’ll add $104 million to Indiana’s GDP! Cherry says this bill really is a win, win, win, win.

“It’s going to increase Indiana corn and soybean farmers income by almost $118 million annually. And it’ll also support about 677 jobs in Indiana annually. So, it helps the farmer, it helps Indiana, it helps your community, and it helps to move that pile.”

All of the breakfast foods served at the event were connected to Indiana agriculture. The menu featured several varieties of pork bacon – all from Indiana Kitchen, also known as Indiana Packers. This year’s bacon list included pork bacon, candied bacon, applewood smoked bacon and bacon with cracked pepper and fresh rosemary. The menu also featured beef bacon and turkey bacon. In addition, the Perdue poultry company provided turkey sausage links, and Maple Leaf Farms donated duck sausage. Milk was provided by Prairie Farms in partnership with American Dairy Association Indiana. Other breakfast items included egg bake with bacon, vegetable egg bake, sweet corn casserole with duck sausage and maple syrup, plus orange juice and a coffee station. The breakfast was sponsored by the United Soybean Board.

Other Bacon Bar and Brunch sponsors include Farm Credit Mid-America, Corteva Agriscience, Indiana Pork, Indiana Beef Cattle Association, Indiana Dairy Producers, Indiana State Poultry Association, Indiana Ethanol Producers Association, Indiana Farm Bureau and the Bose Public Affairs Group.

You can listen to the latest Indiana Ag Policy Podcast from the Bacon Bar & Brunch at the Statehouse. It’s available now below or in the free Hoosier Ag Today mobile app.