Designers, builders chosen for Jackson Spark Shop space

The Jackson County Chamber Foundation is announcing the design-build team for the upcoming SPARK Shop Coworking Studio.

The Chamber is renovating the former George’s Tire Shop building at 2nd & Broadway in Seymour to be used for the new space. The goal is to create a co-working studio that supports local entrepreneurs and remote workers with shared resources, support and programming.

According to the organization, Audra Blasdel from the Waypoint Strategies division of Schmidt Associates will be the owner’s representative for the foundation.

The design-build team will be led by a partnership between Goecker Construction Inc. and Hiday Property Group. Design Point Architects will be doing the architecture and design for the space and N-I-Tech, Inc. will be handling the technology side.

Construction and renovation work is expected to start later this spring.

Artist’s rendering courtesy of Jackson County Chamber