Atterbury Job Corps property up for sale by feds

The federal government is auctioning off part of Camp Atterbury.

The U.S. General Services Administration announced this week that a public auction has started for a nearly 91 acre piece of property in Edinburgh, part of the Atterbury Jobs Corps site.

The GSA described the property as being at the corner of Old Hospital and Schoolhouse roads in Johnson County. It says the property has eight buildings and another structure that are no longer needed by the Jobs Corps, but also warned that they are all significantly deteriorated. Together they are just under 63 thousand square feet on 65 acres of the property.

The rest of the property, almost 26 acres, is forested.

Bidding on the parcel started at $100,000 on Monday. Interested bidders need to register and submit a $20,000 registration deposit. Bidding ends on June 10th.

You can find a link for more information:

Map courtesy of U.S. GSA