USB Researching High Oleic Soybeans for Feeding Dairy Cattle

The United Soybean Board is all about moving that pile of soybeans by growing demand for U.S. soybean products. Their Demand Action Team has been working extensively on research that would promote feeding high oleic soybeans to dairy cattle.

“When high oleic soybeans came on, we were focusing more on the oil content, for some human consumption, for cooking oil,” says Virginia farmer Susan Watkins, USB Secretary. “In 2017, it started with Pennsylvania doing some research with dairy herds, and that’s where we’re going now. USB has invested throughout the years for high oleic soybeans, and now we’ve got this great project to get a better return at the dairy farm, I’ll say. It’s healthy, it goes through our roasting process, it brings more butter fat, and the farmers will see a return on their investment by using this product.”

Watkins also chairs the USB Demand Action Team. They’ve found great success thus far, but she says this project is going to require some more research to really deliver results.

“We’re working with nutritionists, also animal nutritionists, and they’re doing testing and research all the time. We have to educate the dairy community that this is a new product for them, and they may be able to grow it on their farm and do their process on the farm, or they may have to buy it from another person, but it’s a good opportunity for them to make more money and have a healthy herds.”

More information on the research is available at

Source: NAFB News Service