Shelbyville helicopter crew helps with Kentucky flood rescues

An Indiana National Guard helicopter crew out of Shelbyville have been helping save lives in Kentucky in the aftermath of catastrophic flooding there.

According to the guard, an air crew comprised of pilot Chief Warrant Officer 4 Brett Milton, Chief Warrant Officer 3 Craig Adams, Sgt. 1st Class Adam Kabella and Sgt. Dalton McCollum have been taking part in rescue efforts, including helping evacuate two housing complexes in Martin County, Kentucky early last week.

On Monday, the Hoosiers provided hoist support and successfully evacuated 19 adults, five children including infants and six dogs.

Milton said “These are type of missions we signed up to do when we joined the National Guard.”

The soldiers are with the 38th Infantry Division’s combat aviation brigade, headquartered in Shelbyville.

Flooding across Kentucky claimed at least 11 lives and closed more than 300 roads.