NAACP holding Freedom Fund gala Jan. 25th

The Columbus and Bartholomew County branch of the NAACP will be holding its largest annual fundraiser with a gala next weekend.

The local organization will be holding its Freedom Fund dinner, gala and dance on Saturday, January 25th. NAACP Freedom Fund events are the largest fund-raising event for each local chapter. Funds are used for projects, such as scholarships and youth-oriented programming.

The featured speaker will be Skye Berger. Berger, a leadership, lifestyle and business coach, is owner and CEO of Skye Wellness Academy.

Tickets are $60 for NAACP members, $65 for non-members and $31 for students under the age of 18. You can also sponsor an entire table for $520.

The gala will be held from 6 to 11 on Saturday, January 25th at Gather Columbus. That is at 2508 25th St.

You can buy tickets here: