Corn and Soybean Harvest, Winter Wheat Planting Underway in Indiana

USDA’s Monday Crop Progress Report showed Indiana corn and soybean harvest has begun, though only 1% complete. 2% of the Indiana winter wheat crop has been planted.

Nationally, 5% of the U.S. corn crop has been harvested.

Indiana corn and soybeans are rated 68% good-to-excellent.

According to Nathanial Warenski, State Statistician, USDA NASS, Indiana Field Office, though dry conditions caused streams to dry and ponds to be down, the condition of the corn and soybean crops remained stable. However, some farmers were concerned that a continued lack of rainfall may adversely impact late-planted crops. Corn and soybean progress continued ahead of their respective five-year average paces. Silage harvest was underway as seed corn harvest commenced. Pastures, browning from lack of rain, had their regrowth stalled, and livestock were supplemented with added hay feedings. Other activities included manure applications, mowing roadsides, hauling grain to market, and preparing harvest equipment.