Hope’s Grubby the Groundhog predicts six more weeks of cold

Hope’s Grubby the Groundhog says we have six more weeks of cold weather.

Grubby was the centerpiece of a celebration on the Hope Town Square Sunday morning. The event featured polka music, an ornate box and the town’s wise men and women gathered together to sagely interpret Grubby’s announcement.

Rick Gardner, a member of the Main Street of Hope board, which organized the event, read a scroll with Grubby’s conclusion.

Grubby is a resident of Utopia Wildlife Rehabilitators. Kathy Hershey with Utopia explains how the groundhog came to live there:

Grubby was seriously hurt in a dog attack when she was very young, Hershey said. And during her rehabilitation she became too friendly with people to be released into the wildy.

Grubby is five years old and began predicting the arrival of spring four years ago, Hershey said.

Hershey said groundhogs are members of the marmot family. They enjoy eating fruits, vegetables, grains and grubs. As of late February, she is still in hibernation and is only active for about an hour a day.

Grubby’s prediction of continuing cold weather contradicted the more famous Punxsutawney Phil, who predicted an early end to winter from his Pennsylvania perch Sunday morning.