Taxation or Taxidermy?

Johnny-on-the-Spot … by John Foster

Following the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th,1941, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt said it it was a date “that would live in infamy”.

Two years later, Congress passed the “Current Tax Payment Act”.

I might suggest that was a date that forever changed America as well.

Prior to 1943, we Americans paid income taxes quarterly or annually.

This action by Congress created “withholding” so the American government could have a steady cash flow to fund WWII.

However, I think some politicos knew if those taxes were “withheld”, we’d forget how much we pay to fund our various forms of government.

I’ve always believe if each of us had to write a check to ‘the government” monthly, some of us might think, “Hey! This is a lot of money!! Am I getting my money’s worth?”

I think it might instantly create “term limits” and spur interest in voting.

As it is now, “withholding ” makes it relatively painless to settle up with out tax charges.

Did you know that “Tax Day” and “Tax Freedom Day” are roughly the same date?

The Tax Foundation says, on averag