COVID-19 Can’t Go Away Just Yet…


It would appear that the coronavirus pandemic is lightening its’ grip on us just a bit.

Some might argue the grip was of a governmental nature and I can’t fully discount that.

I stated in these blogs more than a year ago that I hoped our response to the threat was commensurate with the actual risk.

When my company had to provide me a letter stating I was performing a necessary task to carry on my person in case I was stopped going to work, when most were staying home, I wondered if we might be using a five gallon bucket of water to douse a match.

No doubt lives were lost due to the pandemic.

But even that is questioned in some circles.

We also had some elected officials in some states that made some decisions I believe were criminal and yet they continue governing.

What’s been interesting to observe is the machinations of a number of state governments that didn’t like governors making all those decisions alone.

Now, hindsight, while not always 20-20, is normally a bit clearer after the smoke clears.

It seems like the smoke is indeed clearing but where that smoke was being blown leaves me unsettled.

Several states have enacted laws that will prevent future governors from having so much freedom in future challenges or pandemics.

I really wonder how practical true legislative action will be in a time of crisis.

I worked with a consultant who, years ago, said, “Sometimes in terms of battle strategy, it’s not always, ‘Ready, Aim, Fire!’. Sometimes, it has to be, ‘Ready, Fire! Aim’”.

Often in the heat of the moment, quick action is required and then, when additional information is available, you tweak and adjust.

On a sinking boat, you bail the water firsty and later, try to find out why the bilge pump didn’t work.

I chuckle when state legislatures expect to be involved in future processes like we’ve experienced.

This is the same group that will hear a proposal and send it to a committee.

Now, committees are the cul-de-sacs down which creative ideas are lured and then slowly strangled.

“Committees” are government for, “I don’t think I want to make a decision on this matter because of potential political harm, so let’s assign the concept to a committee.

Does the word “languish” ring a bell?

It’s also been my observation that a number of folks, normally assigned to mostly mundane tasks, suddenly found themselves in the limelight and guess what?

They liked it.

As a result, their decision-making process was sometimes tempered by the realization if we wrap this thing up too quickly, I’m back to the land of humdrum and boredom.

Let’s see if I can give a response that will allow me more time to bask in the warm glow of media attention.

Now, the real issue is back to masks.

All along, there were questions about some of the things we were asked/expected to do.

We spurred a new industry due to the need to wear masks.

We also heard about “social distancing, hand-scrubbing and sanitizing” to extremes.

Months ago, the CDC announced that the chances of catching this virus from hard surface contact was minimal and yet, the spraying and wiping and such continues.

Same goes with hand-washing.

We initially were to sing little ditties while we lathered our digits sufficiently.

Now, the one obvious benefit was the fact there was very little seasonal flu reported.

Combined with a flu shot, a little warm, soapy water and perhaps a mask in some situations in future “flu seasons” makes sense.

Lesson learned.

But did we need to shut down the country to figure that out?

Now, the CDC says in most situations, masks are no longer required.

Makes me wonder if the mask industry has shifted its’ production in preparation for the next startling revelation.

Stay tuned.

The 6 feet social distancing edict bothered me from the get go because it was too similar to the “6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon” concept.

That rests on the assumption that anyone involved in the Hollywood film industry can be linked through their film roles to Kevin Bacon in 6 or fewer steps.

So, I walk into a restaurant, required to wear a mask, but as soon as I’m, seated, I don’t need it but my mumbling waiter or waitress does.

Then, we heard that students wearing masks could be within 3 feet in a classroom environment.

Why didn’t we hold classes in a restaurant where no masks are required…after seating?

The restaurant table “mystery bubble” still intrigues me.

I also wondered if we were 6 feet apart but I had a 35 mile an hour wind to my back, should one of us take a few steps back?

Or, if I’m facing a stiff breeze, could you come closer?

All sorts of rumors swirled around the COVID vaccines but no one in my family has sprouted a 2nd nose.

I’m more worried about the government tracking me via my cellphone than being injected with tiny electronic, tracing microbes.

Good grief, people!

American economist Thomas Sowell states, “It’s hard to imagine a more stupid or dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.”

So, I ask, who’s right?

Who’s wrong?

Here’s how I answer.

Make a fist with both hands and spread your arms far apart.

The left hand represents one point of view while the right hand represents the other.

I believe the answer is somewhere between your two fists.

Let me know what you come up with./